Personal Training, Boot Camp, Logan Utah
Hey Guys!
I am having a “soft” opening for all of you who might be interested in getting going again! I still have a few things to get set up, and wanted to workout all the new bumps and kinks, but would love to start some classes and get the “dust” off and our muscles going!
I have missed you all so much, and look forward to hitting things in full swing soon. It will be good to see your faces more often!
Right now I am offering a 5:15am-6:15am M T, Th Fr morning Personal Training Group Fit class. See the full calendar for details here (remember the Calendar is ALWAYS current!). I hope to have a 9am class MTThF soon, as well as some evening classes, and Teen Conditioning classes (I have one Teen Conditioning class going on now Th/Thr 3:30pm if you are interested for your teens).
Also something I have never been able to do before in the past is allow the gym access 24hrs/6 days a week. But now I can! I have a TV set up where you will be able to come and do the Workout of the Day at any time that is convenient to you.
All of this is super exciting, and has been a dream of mine for many years! Thank you to so many of you for your hard work in getting this dream to a reality! Can you believe it?!
Here are my new prices:
- $35 Initial Assessment Fee (goes towards new equipment)
- $45/Month Personal Training Group Fit Class (this includes all Group Fit classes AM or PM)
- MTThFr and Optional Saturdays
- 5:15am-6:15am/future 9am/and any PM Classes in the future that include me
- Bi-weekly weigh-ins and measurements included
- Discounted Challenges, Cleanses and Nutrition Plans
- $5 One Time Class Participation (if you are not paying monthly)
- $10/Month Anytime Equipment and Workout Access** (videos and workouts on the TV anytime, **this does not include me present)
- M-Sat 24hrs (Closed Sundays)
- $55Hr Personal Training (one on one personal training with me)
- $35 Nutritional Plan (full work-up and plan for your nutrition)
- Cleanse and Challenges at Discounted rates if paying for Monthly Personal Group Fit Training, otherwise regular prices apply.